Suppose your leased car has acquired dents or dings during the lease term.


In the case of a lease return, there are several steps you can take to address the situation, especially before returning the vehicle to the dealership or leasing company:

    Review Your Lease Agreement: Check your lease agreement for details regarding wear and tear policies. Most agreements outline acceptable wear and tear and what might incur extra charges upon return. Minor dents or dings within the specified guidelines might be considered normal wear.

    Send pictures to The Dent Devils before you contact your insurance or the leasing company so we can assess the damage.

        The Best option when applicable is always Paintless Dent Repair (PDR): If the dents the paint isn’t damaged, PDR can be an effective and relatively affordable method to remove the dents without repainting. Or filing a costly insurance claim.

        Traditional Auto Body Repair shops should always be your last resort as this usually requires you to file an insurance claim.

    Consult with a PDR Specialist such as Eddie Martin, the owner of The Dent Devils. He can assess the damage and provide recommendations on the best repair approach.

      Then you can consider Your Options. Based on the estimate, your lease terms, and your budget, decide on the best course of action:

        If the cost of repairs is lower than the potential charges from the leasing company for the damage, consider repairing the dents yourself.

        If the damage falls within the acceptable wear and tear limits, you might not need to repair the dents.

    Document Repairs: If you decide to repair the dents, keep detailed records and receipts of the repairs. This documentation can be useful in case of disputes during the lease return inspection.

    Address Repairs Before Lease Return: Address the repairs before the scheduled return date to ensure the vehicle meets the required condition upon return. This can help avoid additional charges or deductions from your security deposit.

Always consult your lease agreement, understand the wear and tear policies, and assess the damage to determine the best course of action. Repairing minor dents can often be a cost-effective way to ensure a smooth return process and avoid extra charges upon lease termination.

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